Kejawen is a metaphysical search for harmony within one's inner self, connection with the universe, and with an Almighty God. Javanese beliefs are a combination of occultism, metaphysics, mysticism and other esoteric doctrines, exemplifying a Javanese tendency for synthesis. The Javanese system is so flexible that syncresis in all manifestations is attainable, even that which is in conflict. Javanese ideals combine human wisdom (wicaksana), psyche (waskita) and perfection (sempurna). The follower must control his/her passions, eschewing earthly riches and comforts, so that he/she may one day reach enlightened harmony and union with the spirit of the universe.
This is Tata Susila (ethics) also:
- To be honest, not to cheat, ready to help others.
To well behave by avoiding mo limo (5 bad conducts in Javanese language starting with mo); Main - gambling; Madon - commit adultery;Mabuk - excessive alcoholic drinking; Madat - using opium, narcotics, etc; Maling - stealing. Needless to say that killing & cruelty must be avoided too. - To do a correct behavior avoiding wrong doings to protect a good reputation, so that someone should not feel isin (to feel ashamed). To feel "isin" due to bad conduct for a Javanese is shameful, it is losing honor.
- To maintain harmony (rukun), free of conflicts in the family, the neighborhood, the village, the country & the world. The harmonious relation between men - is important. Factually when, there is a ruin in life of human beings, it is due to irresponsible people. Only a very small part was due to disturbance by animals and/or spirits.
A popular proverb says:
Rukun agawe santoso means rukun makes us strong. - To be patient (sabar), to be able to do self-control.
- To accept his fate consciously & not to envy to the other's success (nrimo)
- Don't be selfish, to act only for his own interest. Sepi ing pamrih (free of self interest). Sepi ing pamrih, rame' ing gawe, which means in a broader sense: free of self interest, be always ready to work hard for the society and the welfare of the world.
(rame >< sepi = (ready to work) hard/seriously, gawe = work or to organize parties such as wedding party etc.
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