JAVA and kejawen as inseparable from one another. Kejawen can be a cover or outer skin of some of the teachings that developed in the Land of Java, during the time of Hinduism and Buddhism. During its development, the spread of Islam in Java is also wrapped by the teachings of the past, sometimes even involving aspects of Javanese as beepers good path for the spread. Walisongo had a big hand in spreading Islam in the Land of Java. The elements of Islam seek implanted in cultures such Javanese puppet show, chant songs of Java, the snakes (putuah the form of philosophy), old stories, to the ceremonies of the tradition developed, especially in the Kingdom of Mataram (Yogya / Solo).
In the puppet show of the best known is the story of Fiber Kalimasada (sheet containing mantras / sacred) is quite potent against all keangkaramurkaan earth. The story is told that the bearer of this fiber will be a magic mandraguna. No one knows what the fiber is. But the end of the story, the secret of thefiber even this was unfolded by the puppeteer. Contents fiber Kalimasadareads "I testify there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger", the content is no other content of Word Creed.
In wayangpun show the saint is always held in the courtyard, a circular trench around it given a clear watery. To this trench is nothing but puppets to train the audience to w isuh or wash their feet before entering the mosque.Symbolization of wudu are adequately addressed.
In subsequent developments, the trustee is also spreading the songs that nuanced symbolism is strong. The famous essay of Sunan Kalijaga is the song -Ilir Ilir. Not every poem symbolizes the teachings of Islam, given the need for a beauty in composing a song. Part of the meaning that is now being excavated from this song include:
No ijo royo-royo no bride senggoh Friday: This is a description of the youths, followed by,
Angon cah, cah Angon, penekna Blimbing kuwi, Lunyu-mun Lunyu penekna Seba co afternoon : Cah Angon is a symbol of man as the Caliph Fil ard, or the natural custodians of this earth ( Angon Grounds ). Penekno Blimbing kuwi , likened the star fruit which has five terms of forming stars. The fifth aspect of it is working pillars of Islam (the five) and five-time prayers. Medium -Lunyu Lunyu penekno , means, not easy to do both (Pillars of Islam and pray five times), and indeed the way to heaven is not easy and smooth. mun bottle of co afternoon , for lunch the next day (life after death).
While padhang rembulane, while Jembar kalangane : While there's still plenty of time while young, and when the power is still strong, then do it (for worship).
Indeed there are many translations of this song, but the same substance, namely religious grounding, socialize with do not forget to worship still fun to new followers.
In Javanese songs, there gendhing named Mijil , Sinom, Maskumambang, kinanthi, Asmaradhana, until megatruh and Pucung. It was all a journey of a human life. Take Mijil , which means exit, can be interpreted as the birth of a newborn baby from the mother's womb. Sinom can be interpreted as a young man eager to learn. Maskumambang means an adult male is old enough to marry, while for his daughter with gendhingKinanthi . The next process is a marriage or katresnan between both symbolized by Asmaradhana. Until finallyMegatruh , or may be separated Megat-Ruh.Megat means divorced or separated while the spirit is spirit or soul. This process breathe death of a man. As a religious community of Islam in his funeral procession, the body weight should be shrouded with white cloth, perhaps this is symbolized byPucung (or Pocong).
All types of the piece laid out nicely with syai verses diversified, making it easy and always fitting for sung in his time.
There are many Javanese philosophy that sought translated by the trustees, suggesting that Walisongo in the teaching of religion has always underpinned by a strong culture. It is very possible, because the Java community that adheres to high culture, it would be difficult to leave the old culture to a new academic proficiency level, although teaching is actually teaches something better, like the religious teachings of Islam. A political system hit a wall ja (not against the current) is applied by the Dunan ..
In Javanese culture is actually quite loaded with the philosophy of life (snakes).It's called the Hasta Brata which is a theory of leadership, contains about things that are symbolized by objects or natural conditions such as Surya, Candra, Kartika, Space, Maruta, Ocean, Dahana and Bhumi.
1. Surya (Sun) emits light as a source of life. Leaders should be able to foster the vitality of its people to build the nation and country.
2. Candra (Moon), which emit light amid the darkness of night. A leader should be able to give encouragement to people in the middle atmosphere of love, or sorrow.
3. Kartika (Stars), light emitting kemilauan, was at the height to be used as guidelines for the direction, so that a leader should be an example for to do good
4. Space (sky), the area is infinite, to be able to accommodate whatever comes padanya.Prinsip a leader should have an inner sincerity and ability to control themselves in menampungpendapat a variety of subjects.
5. Maruta (Wind), there is always everywhere without distinction of place and always fill all the empty space. A leader should always be close to the people, regardless of the degree of da dignity.
6. Ocean (Sea / water), no matter how wide, flat surface always is cool and refreshing. Leaders should be affectionate towards his people.
7. Dahana (Fire), has the ability to burn all that come into contact with it. A leader should be dignified and courageous truth strictly enforce indiscriminately.
8. Bhumi (earth / ground), is strong and generous. Always give the results to the care of her. Leaders should be generous (to serve) the people not to disappoint the trust of its people.
In theory there are several other leadership philosophy more widely used, so that each leader (especially from Java) have the attitude of calm and dignity so that people can live quietly in performing activities such as philosophy: Agumunan ja, aja aja dumeh kagetan lan. That is, as a leader should not be too surprised ( gumun) to something new (though actually very, very surprised), showed no attitude surprised if there are things beyond expectation and should not be arrogant ( dumeh) and moral hazard as being a philosophy pemimpin.Intinya It teaches you about keeping the attitudes and emotions for everyone, especially a leader.
Philosophy as a child buahpun also exist in the teachings of Java, is formed so that a subordinate can be cooperative with the leaders and not counting egoism of personality, especially to embarrass your boss, as illustrated by,Taxable cepet ndhisiki ning aja, aja ning ngguroni clever taxable, taxable takon ning ngrusuhi wrote. That is, be quick but do not precede (the chairman), may be smart but not patronizing (of directors), may ask but do not corner the leadership. The point of a men do not act in an embarrassing leadership, although he may be more capable than the leader. This philosophy is absolutely not to hinder one's career in the works, but, here's the code of ethics or norms that should be understood by each child a fruit or a citizen, in order to maintain the image of leadership which means the image of the company and the nation at large. Submission of opinion should not be a humiliating, patronizing and demonstrate ( ngrusuhi ) leadership, but there must be some way out of it better. After all, if we are good, without having to demonstrate our good vulgar, people will judge both.
In public life there is any philosophy that explains about The Right Man on the Right Place (People who are good are the people who know the place). In philosophy the term java diucapakan with pucuke | Mobile Want to sign self-saka, saka Want to sign sports clothing. means that a person's dignity depends on the words and the person should be able to put themselves in accordance with the dress (the situation). So do not be surprised if someone as clever sayings and put himself would be appreciated by others. Not intervene and enter a world not of this world, actually teaches an attitude called professionalism, which might be encountered rather infrequently (again). For example there is no difference between a student who went to college with who went to the mall, and that was just seen in terms of fashion / dress, which of course clothes will greatly affect a person's behavior and psychology.
There are still many Javanese philosophy that may be, can not be described one by one, especially my desire not to discuss this much, considering it's not my field, but we just want to give a public discourse to the reader, that, a lot of science that we can dig from culture (Java) we have, before we dig in advance only imitate foreign culture (foreign cultures) only.
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