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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chion Capsule

The first in our new line of wearable chi generators, the Chi Capsule addresses the need of the modern metaphysical practitioner, who's on the go 24/7, for a life force-on-demand device that can be worn as a pendant. This subtle energy tool is stimulated into releasing life force by the user's bioenergy, as well as ambient EMF sources. It is the perfect complement to
metaphysical activities such as meditation, dowsing, creative visualization and manifestation, subtle body healing, ritual work, protecting against negativity and psychic attacks, and many more.

The Chi Capsule is filled to the brim with our unique blend of silver, copper, iron, titanium and zinc, activated carbon, pascalite, beeswax, tree resin, clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, agate, bloodstone, emerald, garnet, topaz, ruby, aquamarine, tourmaline, turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli, fluorite, kyanite, and hematite, all powdered, evenly dispersed and suspended in organic resin. To this high-density subtle energy generating matrix is added herkimer diamonds, rare earth magnets and a miniature double-terminated quartz crystal wrapped in a mobius coil. This configuration outputs full spectrum life force that can be directed by the user's mind to fuel his magickal operations.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Unseen War

Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Chionmax - Portable Chione Generator & Radionic Device

The Chionmax is a portable yet potent orgone-enhanced psychotronic device that adds a whole new dimension of experience to metaphysical activities such as creative visualization and materialization, thoughtform building, remote viewing, astral traveling, ceremonial magick, cleansing, balancing and energizing of the subtle bodies, defending against psychic attacks, and other similar underatkings. This device fuses diverse metaphysical technologies such as orgone, shape power, scalar electromagnetics, photonic and primary energy in order to deliver on demand copious amounts of full spectrum life force energies that can be directed by the user’s mind to help him achieve his objectives.

Physical Construction of the Chionmax

At the core of the Chionmax is specially-formulated orgone energy-generating
matrix that contains microscopic particles of silver, copper, iron, titanium, zinc, quartz, activated carbon and pascalite. Beeswax, tree resin, and crystals and gemstones such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, herkimer diamonds, agate, bloodstone, emerald, garnet, topaz, ruby, aquamarine, tourmaline, turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli, fluorite, kyanite, and hematite are thoroughly mixed in with the metal and mineral powders and suspended in organic resin to provide the generated orgone with the widest possible range of life-affirming energies.

Embedded within this orgone energy-generating matrix are toroidal mobius and
electromagnetic coils, which are pulsed at the earth resonance frequency of 7.83Hz to stimulate the block into generating a steady stream of orgone to be used in the psychotronic operation. The 7.83Hz frequency also happens to be the mental access window for psychic abilities. Photonic stimulation of the orgone energy-generating matrix is accomplished using LEDs, while primary energy is generated via a configuration of rare earth magnets. A built-in audio jack makes it possible to connect CD and mp3 players, frequency generators and computers running radionic software t o the Chionmax. The audio jack can also be used to connect the unit to other radionic devices if an operation requires such a configuration.

The Chionmax housing is no larger than a billfold stuffed with wads of bills, so it is easy to slip this into a jeans pocket or purse. On one side of the housing is fastened a trend plate etched with a sacred geometric design that acts as a broadcast antenna for the energies generated by the unit. The Chionmax can be opened to insert photos, written commands and other trend/target representations to increase the success of the operation.

Clairvoyant Observation of the Chionmax in Operation

As soon as the Chionmax is activated, it projects a sphere of energy around the unit. This sphere of energy has been observed by clairvoyants to be between five and ten feet in radius all around the unit. If the user has the Chionmax on his person while it is activated, he finds himself fully enclosed within this sphere of energy. The Chionmax has also been clairvoyantly observed to connect energetically with the heart chakra and, to a lesser extent, to the ajna chakra of its user. This energetic connection grows stronger over time as the user gets accustomed to working with his Chionmax unit.

The energy sphere generated by the Chionmax automatically flushes the user’s chakras, as well as his subtle bodies, of stagnant or negative energies, balances and optimizes their vibrational states, and infuses them with healthy life force, resulting in a thorough subtle body makeover for the user.

The metal/mineral/resin matrix is specially formulated to generate a full spectrum of life-affirming energies as soon as it receives stimulation from the pulsed toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils, LEDs and rare earth magnets. This energy can be seen clairvoyantly as an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colors emanating from the Chionmax. The energy can be harnessed for a variety of purposes and takes on a predominant color appropriate to the task given to it by its user.

Using his imagination and desire, the user projects into the Chionmax an objective that needs to be realized. The Chionmax immediately goes to work solidifying this thoughtform by collecting the etheric resources needed for this work from the user’s immediate environment and also from the life force energy generated from the unit’s metal/mineral/resin matrix.

The thoughtform is continuously energized until a critical mass of sorts is achieved. Once this threshold is reached, the thoughtform is released into the etheric realms to be realized. This process, although automatic to the unit, can also be initiated by the user at any time via mental instruction and visualization.

Once this process is accomplished, the unit can then be switched off.

Working with the Chionmax

To maximize your use of the Chionmax, it is recommended that you first get accustomed to the life force energy generated by the unit. When the unit is turned on, the toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils are pulsed using the 7.83Hz frequency. You are encouraged to activate the Chionmax immediately before going to bed, placing this nearby on a bedside table, and letting this operate all throughout the night. This will allow you to acclimatize to the energy of the Chionmax, as well as allow the energy to cleanse, balance and energize the charkas and the subtle bodies. It may take anywhere from a few nights to an entire week to adjust to the energy of the Chionmax, so be patient with this phase of the interaction with the unit.

Once you are accustomed to the energy of the unit, you can then proceed with using the device for various metaphysical purposes. The 7.83Hz frequency fed into the scalar electromagnetic coils stimulate the generation of life force energy and radiate this out in waves at this same frequency. Being in the immediate vicinity of this device at this particular setting will help condition the brain of the user to settle on this frequency, which studies have identified as a mental access window to clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and other high performance mental techniques. You will know when your brain wave activity is predominantly in this frequency if you are awake but completely relaxed.

Once in this state, you can start forming an intention in your mind, either visualizing the desired goal in your mind’s eye, or verbalizing the objective in a lung-bursting shout or a barely-audible whisper. Be as detailed as you can get with the desired goal, but don't impose any limits on how this is going to come about. Allow the boundless creativity of the Universe to find the best way to
bring about your desired outcome. As soon as the intention is fully formed in your mind, let the energy of the intention flow from your mind into your heart, then from there to the Chionmax. You can then reinforce the operation by opening the Chionmax and placing inside the unit a photo, written instructions or other representations of the trend and target. After this, you can then disengage from the operation, clear your mind of the exercise you just went through and go about your daily work while the Chionmax builds and energizes your thoughtform. You can leave the unit running for a few hours while the process builds up to critical mass, after which the thoughtform will be released into the universe for manifestation.

If you work with radionic software and would like to integrate its use with the Chionmax, you can connect the audio out jack of the sound card on the computer running the software to the audio in jack located at the side of the Chionmax. The radionic data from the software will be fed directly into the unit’s life force generating matrix via this connection. A similar connection can be used to feed frequencies from tone-generating software as well as audio players to imbue the life force energy output of the Chionmax with specific qualities. The possibilities are endless when it comes to applications for the Chionmax.

The few techniques we have just described barely scratch the surface. We encourage the user to experiment and find new and better ways of using the unit to transform his life for the better. A word of caution, though. While the Chionmax has been designed to help bring about positive changes in the user’s life, it is possible use the device to benefit the user at the expense of others. It is recommended to visualize or word your intention in such a way so as to result in a win-win situation for all parties concerned, or in the worst possible case, at least leave no one at a disadvantage in seeing the intention realized.

Approaching the operation in such a manner will reduce the impediments to the attainment of the objective to the absolute minimum. As always, practice responsible radionics, and everything will be fine.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scalar Xcalibur

The Scalar Xcalibur is a compact yet powerful psychotronic instrument that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of metaphysical activities such as manifestation, creative visualization, thoughtform building, remote viewing, astral traveling, ceremonial magick, energizing the subtle bodies, countering psychic attacks, and others too numerous to mention. The device merges orgone, shape power, scalar electromagnetics, photonic and primary energy technologies in order to generate tremendous amounts of full spectrum life force energies that can be directed by the user’s mind to help him achieve his objectives.

Physical Construction of the Scalar Xcalibur

At the core of the Scalar Xcalibur is a unique orgone energy-generating matrix that contains microscopic particles of silver, copper, iron, titanium, zinc, quartz, activated carbon and pascalite. Beeswax, tree resin, and crystals and gemstones such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, herkimer diamonds, agate, bloodstone, emerald, garnet, topaz, ruby, aquamarine, tourmaline, turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli, fluorite, kyanite, and hematite are thoroughly mixed in with the metal and mineral powders and suspended in organic resin to provide the generated orgone with the widest possible range of life-affirming energies.

Embedded within this orgone energy-generating matrix are toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils, which are pulsed at the earth resonance frequency of 7.83Hz to stimulate the block into generating a steady stream of orgone to be used in the psychotronic operation. The 7.83Hz frequency also happens to be the mental access window for psychic abilities. Another set of toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils are pulsed at a delta frequency of 2Hz, which promotes
deep regenerative sleep. Photonic stimulation of the orgone energy-generating matrix is accomplished using blue and infrared LEDs, while primary energy is generated via a configuration of bucking magnets. A built-in audio jack makes it possible to connect CD and mp3 players, frequency generators and computers running radionic software to the Scalar Xcalibur. The audio jack can also be used to connect the unit to other radionic devices if an operation requires such a configuration.

The Scalar Xcalibur is outfitted with a digital rate processor and a touch-sensitive brass plate to determine a rate for the operation. The brass plate also serves as a witness well where photos, written commands and other trend/target representations can be placed on top of it, and can also be used to charge items placed on top of it with life force energy. A premium quality Czech glass crystal pyramid concentrates the thoughtforms generated with the unit and projects these into the etheric planes for speedy manifestation of your desires.

Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome (Part 1)

The Earth is surrounded by a mgnetic field, and our body liberally absorb magnetic energy from many sources. This magnetic field affects everybody. It is the basic force of life, found everywhere in nature.

Natural electric currents support hte biorhythm of all living cells, without it, we would not survive. however scientist are well aware that the Earth's magnetic fiekld has decreased in intensity and continues to do. It is estimated that over the last 500 to 1,000 years, the Earths field has declined by approximately 50%.

Our modern lifestyle also prevents our bodies from absorbing sufficient magnetic energy and this depletion may be one of the underlying causes of a broad range of modern ailments.

A number of scientific studies have concluded that the application of magnets to the body can create a supplementary magnetic field, assisting in our healing process, creating an optimum environment for the body to promote wellness and maintain health and vigor.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sacred Space Harmonizer

This is one of my Scalar Xtronite devices...

Ever tried explaining to your clueless significant other or coworkers what that brand spanking new chi generator of yours does exactly? Well, with the Sacred Space Harmonizer, no words are necessary. Hidden within the chic feng shui design is a potent life force generating configuration that utilizes orgone, scalar electromagnetic, primary energy, photonic, and shape power

principles to clear, balance and revitalize the subtle energies in living and work spaces for a more productive and enjoyable lifestyle.

Tucked away inside a shell of acacia wood is a high-density subtle energy generating matrix composed of our unique blend of silver, copper, iron, titanium and zinc powders, quartz powder, activated carbon, pascalite, beeswax, tree resin, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, herkimer diamonds, agate, bloodstone, emerald, garnet, topaz, ruby, aquamarine, tourmaline,
turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli, fluorite, kyanite, and hematite, all evenly dispersed and suspended in organic resin. The subtle energy generating matrix is stimulated via scalar electromagnetic means using toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils pulsed at the earth resonance frequency of 7.83Hz. This results in the creation of an energy vortex that instantly absorbs stagnant chi from the surroundings and transforms this into vibrant life force that is pumped back into the immediate environment through the chi-concentrating crystal positioned on top of the device. This life force can them be used for a wide variety of metaphysical applications, including meditation, astral travel, remote viewing and creative visualization and manifestation.

The Sacred Space Harmonizer doesn't need to be plugged into a wall outlet to do its job, thanks to a primary energy module integrated into the unit. Composed of an array of noble gas capsules, bucking neodymium magnets and germanium diodes, this module allows the unit to operate in a quasi-active state in the absence of electrical power. When hooked up to a power source, the combination of scalar electromagnetic stimulation and primary energy produces life force output that rivals mid-range chi generators of other vendors.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Antipolo Meet-up ng "Los Antingeros"

It was my first time to attend such a kind of meeting/sharing... Quite amazing for someone like me. The "testing" was an interesting one for non-believers but who will not be amazed? Only fools will not recognized the invoked Powers of God.

Some questions that may arise from non-believers... Can we really invoke the Power of God? Do we have the right? ...

We were there because of the oneness of our faith. Our faith that God exists everywhere and within us not in those graven images...

What's in my mind...

Leviticus 18:6 reads: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female. It is an abomination."

Leviticus 20:13: "A man who sleeps with another man is an abomination and should be executed."

Grounding – Centering to your own inner self

Grounding or centering means being firmly present in your body and being easily to flow with the lower vibrations, consequently the internal energies can effortlessly descend into the Earth and you can easily absorb higher energies from the Creator.

Visualize a translucent white light coming from above (from stars or the sun) entering your head at the crown chakra (energy center at the top of your head). The white light fills up your head down to the neck until reaching your feet. Slowly, and gently feel the light washing your entire body then going out of your into the center of the Earth.

Doing this meditation for a mere 5- 15 minutes will ground you for the next 12 hours, so it is recommended to this twice a day.

Visualization for the Creation of New Reality

Visualizing is using your mind’s eye to craft a new reality. It is a way of mentally giving structure to thoughts or dreams with our inner mind. Nearly every people utilize their inner sight we call third eye for this process; they translate their ideas in to mental movies and that’s why imagining is called imaginative visualization. Although you can also use emotion, hearing, smell, taste, or amalgamation of every “inner” sense to foresee your new reality. Make your visualizations as real as you can be your imagination.

You view the blueprint aspect with your imagination. As you see in your mind’s eye that you are doing something, you are using the design dimension as a place to train your mind to believe that you are doing something.

By means of using your imagination to visualize your belief being lived out, you are extracting images and a feeling out of that. Your belief “I am this”, “I have this”, “I do this” is lived out in your imagination. As it is lived out in your imagination, your belief system recognizes it as a reality being experienced.

Your mind’s eye is where you live out your belief until your reality changes to match the visualized images of your imagination. You use your imagination to have a pre-experience of how the actual experience will look and feel like. If your mind comes up with something you do not like, change it right away into something you do appreciate. This is your new reality in motion.

If you add any emotions into your visualization, it is best to feel excited, for as you visualize yourself that way, having that inner feeling of eagerness and happiness, it will elicit a greater energy tuner that will describe the entire thing that you would really like to experience in your life.

Creative visualization works when you add the desire, emotion, determination, will power, and the necessary action without pre-conceived notions on how your goal will manifest.

Stop using the phrase "I want"

Wanting is a statement of lack. Wanting something reflects that you are being “incomplete” because you feel and express that you are missing something.

Since wanting comes from being incomplete, your consciousness reflects that you do not already have your own choice. Being complete means that you do have all your choices.

It is your complete knowing that says, I can tune into that choice and experience it. Wanting reflects lack. Having reflects you don't lack. Instead of using the phrase I want, use the phrase “I have”, “I can” and “I am”.

Each now moment is a New You!

Each now moment is a new you being experienced by the self. The illusion of time has made you believing that you get older with each moment. And since you get back what you believe, you do get older with each moment.

Unless you change your belief and know that in each moment, you are complete, perfect and whole by original design.

Know that every day in every way you are getting better, better and better.

Aura - Part 2

Acting like a shield of light it envelops the body in spherical shape. just like an egg protecting an embryo inside it. The human aura is an energy field that surrounds the human body, reflecting the subtle life energies at work within and around it. This is something like the magnetic field that surrounds a magnet. Like magnetic field, aura is generated from physical matter and it will affect its surroundings.

The energies flowing through the aura create what we are, and in turn affected by its surrounding life conditions and lifestyle. Aura reflects the activity of our organ, health, mental activity and emotional state. It is like a digital monitor which of the whole body. The strength and properties of an aura are determined by the amount and quality of energies flowing or reflected through it. The more vitalized your auric field, the more energy there is.


This protective shield we call aura have been known since ancient times. If you see pictures of holy men such as Jesus or some saints, you will see a spherical light encircling their heads and this is known as “halo” depicting how large is their crown chakra. All of which was made by famous painters before Kirlian photography was invented. These halos are so big that is almost visible to the naked eyes of ordinary humans.If you look it up the dictionary, the word aura means “a particular feeling”. A Greek word “aura” means breeze. Energy comes from the Greek word “energeir” which means producing movement or work. The energy is the living force, emanating consciousness.

Actually, aura is an electromagnetic field of variable densities extending outside and around physical objects, or mental, emotional, etheric, and spiritual subtle bodies. These energy fields remain in suspension around the human body in egg like shape. The size of the aura field outside the body is approximately 1 (one) meter in radius. It extends above the head and beyond the feet, penetrating the ground. Everything that is existing in this world has its own aura or energy field.

Inner Power - Part 2

Inner power is the energy originating inside our body which after being processed with a certain technique the energy with in a person will be aroused and will project outward. The arousal of this energy can be processed physically and spiritually.

Each human being already possessed inner power, except that it is not processed and hidden within our psyche sleeping waiting to be awakened and will arise spontaneously when we face danger. For example, we could ran faster or even jump a very high fence when there is someone threatening our life or when we are chased by a dog.

You may be wondering what is the energy coming out of the body, that we call aura? Let us look around us. All living forms have electromagnetic field as well as physical structure. In the human body there is a field that have been proven by Kirlian photography we call that aura or biomagnetic field. Western science has had difficulty admitting the existence of this dimension, because is non-physical and could not be weighed or measured.

The human body is an energy field and has some evidence to establish this fact, such as the heat that radiates from us and can be measured by thermometer. Moreover, our brain operates on waves and electrical pulses which can be measured by electroencephalogram. The acupuncture meridian system is an energy system for the organs and muscles which can be measured by multitester. Our heart responds to electricity as measured by electrocardiograms. Science has established that the electricity, magnetism, heat, sound and light form energy fields our body. This is what we call an “Aura”

Inner Power in General

Basically, people have the inner power, they just don’t know how to raise or develop it. Actually, the Inner Power has been there since people were born. However, the power is passive, and in some cases it can rise up, for example when a person panic, sleep walking, being hypnotized or in a great fear.


A person who’s afraid of a dog will have a great ability in running to avoid the dog. If a person is being pushed aside, he or she could jump 2 meters wall. That great fear can awake the inner power which is “sleeping” inside. Automatically, the power will awaken and concentrates in feet which are used to run, but after finally escaped, the power “sleeps” again. Then a person realized that he or she had done an extraordinary thing.

A person who is walking in his sleep can do great and impossible things compared when he is awake. For instance, we can see acrobatic movements like walking in the roof-tile or dream about the future.

The Process of the Inner Power

People have the body chemistry element that called Adenosine tri-Phosphate (ATP). ATP change into energy exceeds the process of metabolism.

The energy that was produced is so abundant. In addition, it can be used as a great power if the people are in some particular psychological state such as being hypnotized, panics, sleep walking and trance. Besides that, ATP has a function as a reserve stock energy. For example, after we exercise and feel tired, after then, we have some rest our body will re heal. The energy from the ATP daily formed as a body heat, also helping to quicken the adrenaline’s circulation, to increase the antibody, and to call forth all the activity of the organ. According to the research, people in their daily life use only 2.5% from all their energy facilities, while the rest, this is 97.5% hidden as a reserve in the pit of the stomach.

The point is how to optimize and increase the rest energy so that we can use it in our daily life. If we can raise it for about 20% of the energy, we will have an extraordinary ability. For instance, IQ will increase rapidly, reach a higher step of immunity, jump will be higher, the physical power is increased, the process of healing will be faster even healing all diseases, the skill and the speed of movement will be greater, and the like. Just imagine if we can awaken all of the reserve energy, we will be able to change our body into energy and do everything that we only just imagine before.

The Inner Power or the reserve energy is an energy that concentrated in the neurons around the pit of stomach and after arising, it will gather in one part of the body that is called solar plexus or plexus solaris or others called it as kundalini. According to the various sources, Kundalini is the part of the human body in the shape of 3 and 1/2 coils, place between the coccyx and the private parts below the central point. The shape is alike with the snake that is twisting or rolling up. And as an addition, solar plexus is not the part of human’s organ.

Kundalini is the place where energy is gathering. The energy has many name in a word for example Chi, Khi, Kesah Lwee Kang, Sin Kang, Iwe Kang or commonly called as The Inner Power.

In this case, we must explain that the inner power is in the pit of stomach, not in the solar plexus as people known before. Solar Plexus is the place where the power that has been arising, gather all. Because of this misunderstanding, people need a lot of time to learn the inner power. In the process to rake up the energy from ATP has some particular process. When oxygen is inhaled normally, The Oxygen only helps the blood circulation’s working, quickens the metabolism process and supplies the brain. Oxygen also prickling the energy to call forth the body activity in a very small number, it would just enough to move the body normally. Use of oxygen particularly in the inner power practice in order to wake up the inner power needs a lot of oxygen effectively.

The Only way is to change the normal breath into the special breath that is the optimization of oxygen, do not let it waste useless, while for the other parts it must balance. To rake up the inner power effectively, oxygen must be rotated or circulated correctly to all over the body and waste the carbon monoxide fast, Because of that when we exhale, the body must be spasmodic/cramping. When the body is spasmodic, the oxygen will rotate in the shape of the whirl energy which can absorb all the energy that spread out and hidden. Meanwhile, the exhale of poisoned gas is done with the exhale from the mouth.

If both things above have done correctly then, the oxygen will rotate/turning clearly in our body, without carbon monoxide. This is also one of the secret why people who learned the Inner Power correctly are always in good condition and rarely sick.

What is inner power?

To live, human needs to breathe. Usual breathing is different from breathing to get health and to develop the bio-electric of our bodies. Usual breathing works naturally, but breathing to get health and to develop the bio-electric works consciously and regularly.

In our busy world, humans lead to increasingly number of different kinds of diseases. Therefore, other than to utilize the more increasingly experimental medicine, we should match it with natural effort that can assist the disease prevention and healing of the body, that is by doing the special breathing exercise, or more usually called as a breathing technique.

This breathing is different from ordinary breathing that is a short breathing with a 14-16 times per minute for man and 18-20 times per minute for woman. Whereas the special breathing is a rhythmic long breathing, that is inhale-exhale or inhale-restrain-exhale following the certain count pattern that’s its frequency can reach 2-6 times per minute. The all means of healings that use the breathing techniques can be classified into the “alternative medicine”. In the recent years, this medicine got the large attention in Europe and America. One of the treatments in America that has been recognized logically is a therapy investigated by PROSKALIER, i.e. a Breathing Therapy.

Inner Power Breathing as introduced by Indonesia will be the focused of discussion here.

The objectives of the said breathing exercise are the first-rate, sound spiritual and physical conditions as well as to perform a vibration system of body protecting like an emission of body electric field, seen as “aura”. A first-rate, sound physical condition will reduce the probability of exposure to a disease, while the body electric (bio-electric) field will spontaneously respond when there is any coming disturbance/force.

The breathing exercise is undertaken in three stages; sit-down breathing, breathing in motion, and closed eyes with sit-down breathing.

A sit-down breathing is done with leg’s position folding behind; the bottom and knees have contact with the floor/ground. This is done for average 10 minutes. Whereas the breathing in motion is exercised by doing each “jurus” as much as fifteen steps with leg’s position forming a stances or “kuda-kuda” position while restrain breath under the navel.

Effects of Breathing Exercise.

As the efforts of healing and treatment, it can be explained that the breathing exercise will influence the body physiology. In a broad outline, the body’s organs influenced are: lungs, blood vessels, digestive system, skeleton muscle system, heart and brain’s wave. With this exercise it will open more spaces that can be employed in the lungs so that the total capacity of the lungs will be increased and the residual volume of the lungs will be reduced. This exercise will also train the muscles surrounding lungs to operate as well.

The breath restraining during in motion leads to the number of oxygen received by the body will be decreased, so that the formation of the red blood cells take place more rapidly. The blood vessels will also undergo an enlargement. The food essences and oxygen can be distributed to each cell more rapidly. The breathing exercise will provide a relaxation effect to the organs, and digestive system. The abdominal respiration indirectly exercises the abdominal organs. With regular abdominal pressing, it will smooth the blood flow of all abdominal networks so that the absorption of nutrition and its distribution will be more well. The regular breathing and concentration will provide an effect of calm and quiet, reduce an excessive abdominal acid and resulting disease.

Inner Power Breathing technique involve the movement of mostly whole body, primarily legs and arms that be done rapidly. Thus the muscle’s network will grow more long and dense and elastic, so that the muscle is not simply exhausted. The heart as a central of activity of blood flow has a function to take oxygen-filled blood from lungs and send it to entire body network, and then take the carbon dioxide-filled blood and to be pumped again to lungs to be further pumped out.

With the breathing exercise, the heart’s muscle will be trained as well and pulse more slowly, because each beat pumped more so that the work of heart will be more efficient. The presence of correlation between the breathing rhythm and brain’s wave it can be seen to the person in angry. How about the breath of the person in angry? It is hasty, isn’t it? The person in angry has a rhythm of brain’s wave that is in chaos so that resulting in the breathing is also in chaos. Otherwise, in fact that when we can breathe as well, long and regularly of 4 times per minute, according to the result of investigation using EEG’s instrument it will appear a result of a good and regular brain’s wave rhythm. Consequently the concerned person will always to be in calm and quiet, self-confidence and patient.

As an effort of self-defense, Inner Power breathing technique is also a mechanism of inner power processing. By doing this breathing technique, the energy center that exist in the body of each person will be processed and finally will form the development of bio-electric field. The Vibration system that has been developed here is defensive and in reflex in will defense itself when there is an attack entering into the vibration system. The incoming attack will automatically stimulate and resonate the vibration system. The more disturbance of incoming force, the larger also reaction provided the vibration system as body protector.

Other than benefits obtained for personal-self, inner power breathing technique can also used for the treatment requirement or helping others, especially to heal a disease relating to body system. Everybody can do this breathing technique for processing the inner power, as long as having a willingness and seriousness. We have already possessed the basic material in each body. The oxygen and universal energy field has also existed freely in air. The more we practice, the more rapid and better is the result.