The Scalar Xcalibur is a compact yet powerful psychotronic instrument that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of metaphysical activities such as manifestation, creative visualization, thoughtform building, remote viewing, astral traveling, ceremonial magick, energizing the subtle bodies, countering psychic attacks, and others too numerous to mention. The device merges orgone, shape power, scalar electromagnetics, photonic and primary energy technologies in order to generate tremendous amounts of full spectrum life force energies that can be directed by the user’s mind to help him achieve his objectives.
Physical Construction of the Scalar Xcalibur
At the core of the Scalar Xcalibur is a unique orgone energy-generating matrix that contains microscopic particles of silver, copper, iron, titanium, zinc, quartz, activated carbon and pascalite. Beeswax, tree resin, and crystals and gemstones such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, herkimer diamonds, agate, bloodstone, emerald, garnet, topaz, ruby, aquamarine, tourmaline, turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli, fluorite, kyanite, and hematite are thoroughly mixed in with the metal and mineral powders and suspended in organic resin to provide the generated orgone with the widest possible range of life-affirming energies.
Embedded within this orgone energy-generating matrix are toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils, which are pulsed at the earth resonance frequency of 7.83Hz to stimulate the block into generating a steady stream of orgone to be used in the psychotronic operation. The 7.83Hz frequency also happens to be the mental access window for psychic abilities. Another set of toroidal mobius and electromagnetic coils are pulsed at a delta frequency of 2Hz, which promotes
deep regenerative sleep. Photonic stimulation of the orgone energy-generating matrix is accomplished using blue and infrared LEDs, while primary energy is generated via a configuration of bucking magnets. A built-in audio jack makes it possible to connect CD and mp3 players, frequency generators and computers running radionic software to the Scalar Xcalibur. The audio jack can also be used to connect the unit to other radionic devices if an operation requires such a configuration.
The Scalar Xcalibur is outfitted with a digital rate processor and a touch-sensitive brass plate to determine a rate for the operation. The brass plate also serves as a witness well where photos, written commands and other trend/target representations can be placed on top of it, and can also be used to charge items placed on top of it with life force energy. A premium quality Czech glass crystal pyramid concentrates the thoughtforms generated with the unit and projects these into the etheric planes for speedy manifestation of your desires.
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