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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome (Part 1)

The Earth is surrounded by a mgnetic field, and our body liberally absorb magnetic energy from many sources. This magnetic field affects everybody. It is the basic force of life, found everywhere in nature.

Natural electric currents support hte biorhythm of all living cells, without it, we would not survive. however scientist are well aware that the Earth's magnetic fiekld has decreased in intensity and continues to do. It is estimated that over the last 500 to 1,000 years, the Earths field has declined by approximately 50%.

Our modern lifestyle also prevents our bodies from absorbing sufficient magnetic energy and this depletion may be one of the underlying causes of a broad range of modern ailments.

A number of scientific studies have concluded that the application of magnets to the body can create a supplementary magnetic field, assisting in our healing process, creating an optimum environment for the body to promote wellness and maintain health and vigor.

1 comment:

  1. Nikken's magnets for health are a god send! They help everything from headaches to digestion to sleep to faster healing to increased energy etc. They are copies of the earth's magnetic field, so no danger in overdosing on them. Visit to read how magnets helped my health and that of my friends.
